40 Common Vietnamese Verbs That You Must Know (Part 2)

In this lesson, let's learn another 15 common verbs in Vietnamese that every beginner must know, and how to use them in daily life sentences.

If you miss out on the first 25 common verbs, feel free to read the that lesson first. As some of the examples will be using verbs from the previous lesson.


Nhớ has two common meanings, 'to remember' or 'to recall' and ‘to miss’ or 'to long for' someone or something.

Example 1:

  • Bạn nhớ hôm qua mình nói gì không?
    You remember yesterday what I said?

Example 2:

  • Bạn có nhớ nhà không?
    Do you miss home?


Quên means ‘to forget’


  • Mình quên nói là ngày mai mình bận.
    I forgot to say that tomorrow I'm busy


Sống meaning 'to live'


  • Sống ở Việt Nam có vui không?
    Living in Vietnam fun?


Học meaning ‘to learn’ or ‘to study’


  • Mình thấy học tiếng Việt không khó lắm.
    I find learning Vietnamese is not so difficult


Chơi meaning ‘to play’

Example 1:

  • Bạn có chơi môn thể thao nào không?
    Do you play any sports?

When you say đi chơi it has a different meaning, which is ‘to hang out’ or ‘to go out’

Example 2:

  • Cuối tuần bạn có muốn đi chơi không?
    Weekend do you want to hang out?
30 Most Common Vietnamese Adjectives That You Must Know


Gọi has a lot of meanings. The first one is ‘to call’.

Example 1:

  • Món này gọi là gì?
    What is this dish called?

If you want to say ‘to call someone on the phone’, you can say:

1) GỌI CHO + someone
2) GỌI ĐIỆN (THOẠI) CHO + someone

Example 2:

  • Mình đang gọi điện cho khách hàng.
    I’m calling the customer (on the phone)

Gọi also has another meaning, which is 'to order' (food)

Example 3:

  • Mình muốn gọi đồ ăn mang về.
    I want to order takeaway food


Đợi and chờ have the same meaning of ‘to wait’

Example 1:

  • Đợi mình một lát! Mình sắp tới rồi!
    Wait for me a moment! I’m arriving soon!

Example 2:

  • Xin lỗi, bạn đợi mình có lâu không?
    Sorry, did you wait for me long?


Mở meaning ‘to open’

Example 1:

  • Bạn mở cho mình cái chai bia.
    Open for me the beer bottle

We also have the word MỞ CỬA, which literally means ‘to open the door’ and also ‘to open' the business/business hour.

Example 2:

  • Siêu thị mở cửa lúc mấy giờ?
    What time does the supermarket open (for business)?


Đóng meaning ‘to close’

Example 1:

  • Lúc nãy bạn quên đóng tủ lạnh.
    Just now you forgot to close the fridge.

Just like the word mở cửa, we also have the word ĐÓNG CỬA, which literally means ‘to close the door’ and also ‘to close' the business/business hour

Example 2:

  • Hôm nay cửa hàng đó đóng cửa sớm.
    Today that shop closes early


Bật meaning ‘to turn on’ or ‘to switch on’


  • Trời nóng mình hay bật máy lạnh cả ngày.
    (When) it's hot, I often turn on the air conditioner all day.
100+ Common Vietnamese Words for Food & Cooking


Tắt which means ‘to turn off’ or ‘to switch off’


  • Mình đi coi phim cho nên đã tắt điện thoại.
    I went to watch a movie so I turned off the phone


Viết meaning ‘to write’

Example 1:

  • Mình viết tiếng Việt chưa có tốt.
    (LiteralIy) I write Vietnamese not well yet.

You can also use the word GHI, which means ’to write’ and also ‘to take note’ or ’to jot down’ something

Example 2:

  • Bạn ghi thông tin của mình ở đây.
    You write your information here


Đọc meaning ‘to read’


  • Bạn đọc tin tức hôm nay chưa?
    Have you read today’s news?


Ngồi meaning ‘to sit’


  • Mình ngồi ở đây được không?
    I sit here can? / Can I sit here?


Đứng which means ‘to stand’


(On the phone)

  • A: Bạn đang đứng ở đâu?
    A: Where are you standing?

  • B: Mình đang đứng trước KFC.
    B: I’m standing in front of KFC.

Most Common Ways and Phrases to Say Sorry in Vietnamese

Common Vietnamese Verbs List

  1. NHỚ - to remember; to recall; to miss (to long for someone/something)
  2. QUÊN - to forget
  3. SỐNG - to live
  4. HỌC - to study
  5. CHƠI - to play
  6. GỌI - to call; to call (on the phone); to order (food)
  7. ĐỢI / CHỜ - to wait
  8. MỞ - to open / MỞ CỬA - to open the door; to open (business)
  9. ĐÓNG - to close / ĐÓNG CỬA - to close the door; to close (business)
  10. BẬT - to turn on; to switch on
  11. TẮT - to turn off; to switch off
  12. VIẾT - to write / GHI - to take note; to jot down
  13. ĐỌC - to read
  14. NGỒI - to sit
  15. ĐỨNG - to stand

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