Funny Vietnamese Phrases & Quotes That'll Make You Giggle

Funny Vietnamese phrases about Love

Here are some funny quotes about love and being in the relationship.

1. Yêu là phải nói cũng như đói là phải ăn

Literal translation: Love is to say, just like hunger is to eat.

If you're in love with someone but are afraid to express your feelings, this phrase is probably what a good friend would say to encourage you. In another word, if you're in love, you have to say it to that person, just like when you're hungry, you have to eat!

2. Tình yêu như bát cơm thiu. Không ăn thì đói, ăn vào thì đau.

Literal translation: Love is like a bowl of stale rice. Don't eat it you'll be hungry, eat it (it'll) hurt.

Love hurts. But without love, you'll be lonely anyway. So endure the pain!

3. Tình yêu như bát bún riêu. Không ăn hết nó để chiều nó thiu

Literal translation: Love is like a bowl of vermicelli. Not eating it all (now), it'd spoil (if) you leave it till the afternoon.

This phrase advises that when you have an opportunity to love, you have to act quickly.

4. Tình yêu có thể mua được nhưng thất tình không bán được

Literal translation: Love can be bought but lovesickness can't be sold.

Life is always unfair. Some people can buy love with money, but you can't sell your lovesickness.

Funny Vietnamese phrases about Marriage

Funny Vietnamese phrases about marriage

1. Nếu yêu nhau là do duyên số, thì lấy nhau là do sự cố xảy ra

Literal translation: If love is due to fate, then getting married is due to an incident.

2. Tình chỉ đẹp khi còn dang dở. Cưới nhau về tắt thở càng nhanh.

Literal translation: Love is beautiful only when it's unfinished. Getting married just makes it stop breathing/die quicker.

3. Nếu tình yêu là ánh sáng thì hôn nhân là hoá đơn tiền điện!

Literal translation: If love is light then marriage is an electricity bill.

Dating life and marriage life are different! This phrase expresses that when you're in love, it's all roses and sunshine. After marriage, it becomes a burden, a debt that you have to keep on paying!

4. Ra đường sợ nhất kẹt xe. Về nhà sợ nhất “Mình ơi đưa tiền"

Literal translation: When going out the scariest thing is the traffic jams. When returning home the scariest thing is "Honey give (me) the money"

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Funny Vietnamese phrases about Women

Funny Vietnamese phrases about women

1. Con gái là loại sáng nắng, chiều mưa, trưa bão táp

Literal translation: Girls are the type, sunny in the morning, rain in the late afternoon, storm in the (early) afternoon.

2. Đằng sau người đàn ông ngoại tình, là một người đàn bà ngồi rình.

Literal translation: Behind a cheating man, is a woman lurking.

3. Phụ nữ như những con đường, đường càng cong càng nguy hiểm

Literal translation: Women like the roads, the curvier the more dangerous she is.

Funny Vietnamese phrases about Life

Funny Vietnamese phrases

1. Cuộc đời vốn bất công, nên cọng lông không bao giờ thẳng

Literal translation: Life is inherently unfair, just like a strand of hair that can never be straight.

2. Một khi đã quyết thì đừng hỏi mẹ Bạch tuyết là ai!

Literal translation: Once (I)'ve made up (my) mind, don't even ask who Snow White's mother is!

3. Đằng sau nụ cười là sự lười giải thích!

Literal translation: Behind the smile is the laziness for an explanation!

4. Ai cũng khen tao đẹp trai, xấu mỗi cái mặt

Literal translation: Everyone praises that I'm handsome, only my face is ugly.

Funny Vietnamese phrases about Money

Funny Vietnamese phrases about Money

1. Có một thứ tiền không thể mua được. Đó là sự nghèo khó.

Literal translation: There is one thing money cannot buy. That is poverty.

2. Tiền không phải là tất cả, vì trên thế giới này còn có vàng và kim cương.

Literal translation: Money is not everything, because in this world there are still gold and diamonds.

3. Tiền không mang lại hạnh phúc cho những người ... không có chúng!

Literal translation: Money doesn't bring happiness to people ... without them!

4. Tiền không tự sinh ra cũng không tự mất đi mà chỉ chuyển từ tay chồng sang tay vợ.

Literal translation: Money is neither born nor lost, but only transferred from the husband's hand to the wife's hand.

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